Welcome to Bassons , the consultancy specializing in internationalization, public affairs and strategic communication.

Consular Bassoons

Founded by Joan Maria Piqué , with more than 15 years of experience on the front lines of Catalan politics, Bassons is your ally to navigate complex environments and achieve your goals.

Imatge de perfil de Joan Maria Piqué fundador de Bassons Consular

Key services

Icona blava que representa el servei d'internacionalització de Bassons Consular


We open paths for your entity or company to have an international presence.

Icona blava que representa el servei de public affairs de Bassons Consular

Public affairs

We facilitate your relationships with public institutions to influence key processes.

Icona blava que representa el servei de comunicació de Bassons Consular

Strategic communication

We define and execute strategies to maintain a solid and coherent public presence.

Any questions?

Discover how Bassons Consular
we can help you make a difference.

Success stories

Public Affairs Strategy

Bassons helped an international institution with a Public Affairs strategy to navigate the complexities of the Catalan political system, facilitating […]

Crisis Management

During a significant industrial crisis, Bassons led strategic communication for a large company, minimizing negative media impact and regaining the […]

Internationalization in Brussels

A Catalan entity needed to expand its presence in the EU. Bassons developed a public relations strategy that positioned the […]

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